[Pièce avec cadrocable, vent et pluie]
Recorded at Pierre du Roi, St Sulpice Laurière (87), France, 1996. Composed 1997–2000. Published on V/A CD “Elekt Noiz n°4” (Msbr Records).
Piece using specific tools to record wind and rain sounds (cadrocable, tuyophones…)
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3166697069 size=medium bgcol=333333 linkcol=ffffff]Field notes
12 February 1996, 1:35 PM.
The wind has been blowing really strongly for several days. Under a heavy rain, on the hilltop, around the high TDF antennas, I tie up the Cadrocable with metallic wires and some pickets. I also drive the Tuyophones well into the ground.
2:15 PM.
I take shelter from the cold wind and the water inside the car which is sometimes lifted by this strong wind. Here, inside the back of the car, I have the mixer; I can mix the sounds (tones and creakings) of the tuned Cadrocable and those of the Pluviophones (cracklings made by the rain and the wind). I open the door a little bit : I can hear the resonant tones of the wind inside the TDF antennas…).
7th June 1996, 3:00 PM.
Bloody hot sun… On the same hilltop. Wind is still blowing but it seems we are in a different acoustic place; I put loudspeakers and mics in the trees; then I play back sounds recorded there in february; they are merging with the sounds of the branches…[Pièce avec cadrocable, vent et pluie]
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3166697069 size=medium bgcol=333333 linkcol=ffffff]